"Best thing I've added to my patients orthodontic experience, I include a pack with every new case"
"My patients hated using the plastic tray seaters, now I have a replacement, they actually use"
"Finally an incredible to product to help my patients with orthodontic pain"
Chewing active gum during orthodontic treatment helps in multiple ways
*A healthier way to seat aligners
Replaces bacteria laden reusable plastic tray seaters
*Decreases risk of tooth decay
Xylitol is the first ingredient and kills the bacteria that causes cavities.
*Accelerated treatment time.
The action of chewing stimulates blood flow and in turn creates faster tooth movement
*Aligner cleaner
Xylitol kills the bacteria that builds up on aligners and keeps them smelling fresh
*Decreases pain
When swithing to new aligners or a braces tightening you may experience pain.
Chewing active gum relieves pain within a minute!
*Dry mouth
The action of chewing active gum increases saliva production.
*Chewing gum
Increases cognitive function